Let All That You Do Be Done With Love


I’m Dave Stewart. I strive to be a servant of God and a disciple of Jesus. I am the husband of Constance, and father of three sons. These are some of the things in which I am interested. Please explore!


2024 April 28

1 Peter 5: As Peter concludes this letter to the elect exiles, in the face of so much suffering, he reminds them that they do have a powerful adversary, but they can resist him. Four aids in resisting the Devil are the elders, humility, being sober minded and watchful, and focusing on eternal glory.

Sunday Morning Gathering

Class: The Sum of Your Word: United Kingdom 1 Samuel 8-10

Lesson: True Grace: Firm – 1 Peter 5

for April 28, 9:30 AM MDT

Wednesday Evening Class

I Am What I Am (The Life of Paul)

for 2024 April 17, 7 PM (MDT)


If you’d like to study some of the lessons I’ve taught, then look here. Lesson will be update as I teach them, usually weekly.


These are just my attempts at making some graphics that can be used on social media. Use them to God’s glory if you like them.

Visits to China

And if you’re interested in some of the teaching and travels in China, please look here.


And, finally, for those of you who like to ride your bicycles, check this out.

The Blessed Life

A book with a few thoughts about the Beatitudes of Jesus in Matthew 5:2-12